Concider having your private party at the IGOINN!
If you are ever undecided Just where to have your party, there a place up near fishouse its known as the IGOINN!
It stands up on the hillside and overlooks the lake its just the spot when the day is hot your ease to sit and take.
You"ll find the drinks are tip top wheather whiskey Beer or Gin for Hank the jolly landlord will see there not served thin, and by the way hes a master with a captin and ginger, allagater pee or a fizz and between the sips youll smak your lips its surly is good biz!
The place is large and airy and the veiw across the lake from where you sit its a a picture you'll love it, no mistake.
So why not have your party up to the IGOINN Refresh yourself within, and shine or rian youll call agian at the sign of IGOINN!
So call Text or Email us at anytime day or night 518 495 3976 or 518 858 1911 We will be Happy to share the IGOINN with you. We will be happy to send a party menu your way!